Narrow Buildings in Japan and Around the World
Narrow-minded architecture can be brilliant, indeedIf you looked closely at high-res photographs of Tokyo in our recent article, you may have noticed a few buildings that are apparently functional, housing either a business or a residence, but are extremely slim - sometimes not more than a meter in width. We got intrigued with this way of squeezing the most use out of every square foot, and decided to look at other examples in Japan and around the world.

In Robert A. Heinlein's short story "—And He Built a Crooked House—" rogue architect Quintus Teal builds a cross-shaped house that, because of a classic Los Angeles earthquake collapses not into 3 dimensional rubble but instead into a four-dimensional tesseract.
While we've yet to see any buildings with extra-rooms that cross space and time there are plenty of other houses out there that certainly look like they do.

Some call them "Godzilla's Dominoes", others "Pancake Houses"
The designers and builders have had a myriad of reasons for their creations' remarkable lack of the dimension we call width -- not a lot of room, not a lot of money, not a lot of sanity -- but the one thing all these crazy
houses have in common (beyond a lack of closet space) is their eye-catching just-plain-weirdness. Tokyo, particularly, has a long tradition of squeezing as much as possible into as little space as available. A lot only a few dozen feet wide but fifty or so long left to go fallow? Not in Japan. Look at the first image below - a definition of cute and cozy...

Another view of this incredibly thin house in Nagasaki:

A Lack of Dimension We Call Width
Just take a look at these exceptionally lovely, and surrealistically narrow buildings. Some of them, sure, look like they were shoehorned into whatever empty space was available -- but others look less like seizing every opportunity, and inch of land, and more like jewels of design and elegance ... if a bit too thin.

Fold it into the other dimension, or take off into space
When you need to "park" your house on a thinnest strip of land imaginable, consider the design by Atelier Tekuto company, bearing a humble name "A House in Tokyo". It is more of the cathedral, a spiritual experience, especially warmly illuminated at night:

It is a "squeezable" structure, which extends a ladder for the entry like some fantastic spaceship...

"Skinny Living" Around the World
One of my favorites - and what I hear is the world's narrowest (1 meter wide by 10 meters tall) -- is Helenita Queiroz Grave Minho's place in Madre de Deus (translated as "Mother of God!.."). If you ever happen to find yourself in Brazil you should definitely walk by and check it out. But be careful, at only six feet wide you just might miss it. What's remarkable about her creation isn't just the bizarre dimensions but how she's worked real magic into making it an actual, functional, and quite elegant home -- truly the sign of a great architect if ever there was one.

Across the globe, in London, there's another slip of a real estate: at about nine feet wide in front it's almost a mansion compared with Helenita Queiroz Grave Minho house in Brazil.

Of course, New York City density provides a few skinny examples (besides a well-known Flat Iron building): here is one neatly sandwiched between two skyscrapers:

Not that Europe has somehow escaped the race to slim-down their real estate. If you travel to the wonderful city of Amsterdam, for instance, you'll see almost a plethora of narrow apartments and houses. The why being like that in Tokyo: without a lot of usage land the canal-hugging Amsterdam residents had to cram as many people into what little space they had ... even if they have to step outside to change their minds. One of the narrowest buildings in the world is located in Amsterdam.

"The tiny house is only one meter wide and not much wider than its front door. The people who live here must be on a never-ending diet... Admittedly, this is the back of the house; the front is quite a bit wider." Even the light fixture on the ceiling is almost as wide as the building itself:

Oude Hoogstraat 22, Amsterdam (left) and on the right - Kloveniersburgwal, 26 (the owners turned it into a museum):

Kloveniersburgwal, 26 is also called "Trippen House", or ‘The House of Mr. Trip’s coachman’. "Legend has it that Mr. Trip’s coachman exclaimed: 'Oh my, I would be happy if I had a house that was only as wide as the front door of my master’s house.' Mr. Trip overheard him and made sure that his wish came true."
Try to haul up furniture up these incredibly narrow stairways (on the right is yet another "narrowest" house in Amsterdam) -

Across the channel and up into the cold gray loveliness of Great Cumbrae, Scotland is what is considered to be the thinnest house in Great Britain ("The Wedge" in Millport) with an face just shy of 47 inches. 'Cozy' and 'intimate' would best describe the place -- and 'claustrophobic' and 'confining' being the worst.

Other very narrow buildings can be found in Boston (left image) and Cologne, Germany, architects Brandlhuber & Kniess (right) -

You're Building It Wrong
So what happened here?.. maybe these people got tired of living in a narrow cramped house and decided to expand a little? or do they simply have a very wide bed on the second floor? -

Another really miserable example... they should cover it with something like this (see right image), or chop it into bricks already.

As the world's population grows and land becomes more and more scarce, having a place to call your own becomes a very special thing when many have nothing but the dirt between their toes and the storm clouds up above. Who knows, "skinny living" in narrow houses just might become the way of the future.
Ngôi nhà mỏng nhất thế giới tại Ba Lan
Nhà thiết kế Jukub Szczesny của công ty thiết kế Centrala vừa mới đưa ra thiết kế cực kì khéo léo, ngôi nhà mỏng nhất thế giới được xây dựng ở Ba Lan. Hãy cùng ngắm ngôi nhà như trong "giấc mơ" này!( ở VN là khó đấy)

Ngôi nhà gồm hai tầng với một phòng ngủ, phòng tắm, phòng khách, bếp và phòng đựng đồ trên gác nhỏ. Ngoài ra ngôi nhà còn có một cầu thang có thể kéo lên sử dụng điều khiển từ xa.

Ngôi nhà xinh xắn này chỗ rộng nhất chỉ đến 1,2m, tổng diện tích chỉ là 14,5 m2. Nó sẽ lấp đầy khoảng trống giữa hai ngôi nhà trên phố Chlodna thuộc Wola, Balanất-the-gioi-tai-ba-lan.html
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